Sunday, April 13, 2014

Jude at 19 Months

I feel like the month from 18 to 19 months was a huge change with Jude's verbal skills. He started repeating everything we say and remembering most words we teach him. He consistently says mama, dada, gramma, grampa, meow, basketball (back-et-ball), baba (drink), nigh-night, snack and a few others. He loves to copy us when we cough or sneeze. From the moment he wakes up he plays basketball or golf, reads books or plays his 'guitar' which is a cheap little ukelele we found in a bunch of old boxes. He tries to get outside whenever possible because he can now turn the doorknobs and open the front door. He loves Mickey Mouse, Curious George and Phineas and Ferb. He's getting taller and taller and I have to keep buying bigger pants which never fit him around the waist if they fit him length wise. Jude started going to nursery at church and he likes the toys, but gets sad when I leave and is having a hard time lasting both hours without me. He still loves sugar and dessert. He also likes spicy things, but especially things that have a lot of flavor. He'll eat stir fried vegetables as long as they have a yummy sauce. He's still a pretty good eater but loves fruit the most. He has started giving us a squeeze when he hugs us and eskimo kisses which he thinks is hilarious. We've had a trip to the emergency room with a cut corner of his eye which turned out to be fine. He also fell and hit his gums and cut them open (and twice again two days later) but it's healed just great. There was just a lot of blood and we felt so bad for the pain he was in. I also think he's getting his 2 year molars. We're down to one nap from about noon to 2 and he's in bed by 8 and doesn't get up til about 8:15 in the morning. We love our boy more than anything in the whole world! He's so fun and keeps us entertained.

1 comment:

  1. He looks a lot like DL in a lot of the pics, just certain angles, and especially the one where he is scream crying. haha. cute kid
