Monday, March 12, 2012

Beds + Things

I am on the hunt for some new bedding. Mostly just a new duvet or comforter. We have used a down and duvet cover since we got married, but I'm realizing now that we've always lived in a mountain climate and it's just too hot for southern california non-mountain weather. What do people use? I'm at a loss.

David finished his first round of midterms and starts his 'kind of' Spring break this week. I'm glad he worked so hard and can have a little bit of time to himself! We are going to celebrate the break with Disneyland and family time.
In other news, my dog died. Not Clementine, but my family dog we've had for 12 years. She was getting old and could barely walk. She was the best dog, ever. So happy. It's really hard for me to talk about. I miss you, Sunny!
On a happier note, our babe is the size of a large peach now! That would explain why I look like I ate an extra large pizza. My clothes are getting tighter (as in none of my church skirts fit me) and I'm really struggling with feeling like I look good. This in between stage is just like growing out your hair...nothing looks right.
Thank you everyone for your kind words. We are overwhelmed with excitement and gratitude for everyone's support and love. We can't wait to bring our baby into such an amazing, happy circle of family + friends.


  1. natalie, i love the way you post things from pinterest. how do you do it???
